Camas is a true Garden beauty. She is just 1 years old, and is everyone’s little sweetheart. She is a stunning black Labrador Retriever mix, with a long black shiny coat, the most gorgeous exotic brown eyes, and a tail that literally wags the dog. She’s extremely smart, playful and gentle as a lamb. She enjoys a good belly rub, and playing with her furry companions at The Garden. Camas is looking for a family that will open their hearts and home to her and should that loving home come equipped with one or more furry friendly siblings all the better. She would love to learn the fun in chasing a ball, playing a little one-on-one tug-o-war, and perhaps join in on a few pack walks, and then know just how special it feels at the end of the day to have her peoples to snuggle up with and make her feel safe, loved and at home. Camas came to the Garden from the Osmangazi shelter, in Bursa, Turkey. If you are interested in Camas, we have multiple videos of her playing and exploring with other dogs that we can send you! Camas is named after a native perennial flowering herb in the lily family (camassia quamash). The beautiful blue flowers grow in moist meadows and prairies in southern British Columbia and the northwestern United States. *** PLEASE NOTE *** Camas is available for adoption anywhere in the US. The blue fence is 33.5†tall for height reference. We are unable to test dogs with cats or children in Turkey due to location and circumstances.